What Is PIP Insurance in Texas?

What is PIP insurance? How does it work in Texas? It’s important to understand your auto insurance coverage. So let’s look at everything you need to know about Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. How Does PIP Insurance Work in Texas? Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance is a type of first-party auto insurance that provides coverage after a car… Continue reading What Is PIP Insurance in Texas?

Texas Claims Against Property Owners for Inadequate Security: Understanding Liability and Duty of Care

Under Texas law, there’s a hybrid version of your standard premises liability claim. This hybrid is a claim against the owner of the property for providing inadequate security. So, can you hold a property owner liable for an attack or damage to your property on their premises? Do property managers and owners owe a duty… Continue reading Texas Claims Against Property Owners for Inadequate Security: Understanding Liability and Duty of Care