In this week’s edition of the Dirty Verdict, your hosts Kyle Herbert and Peter Taaffe talk with Maureen Farrell of Muery & Farrell. Maureen tells us about a recent appellate victory involving a case where the plaintiff’s child was mauled by a pit bull that her client claims was inappropriately certified as a support animal… Continue reading Episode 16: Maureen Farrell Discusses Recent Appellate Victory
Getting into a fender bender can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Whether it’s a minor accident or a more serious collision, it’s important to know what steps to take in the aftermath. Here’s a guide on what to do after a fender bender: 1. Check for injuries The first priority after any accident is… Continue reading Fender Bender: What to Do After a Fender Bender
In this week’s edition of the Dirty Verdict, your hosts Kyle Herbert and Peter Taaffe talk with Kier McAlpine of the Daspit Law Firm in Houston. Kier tells us about his recent $144,000 verdict in Harris County for two plaintiffs in a motor vehicle accident, along with several other recent cases.
Under Texas law, there’s a hybrid version of your standard premises liability claim. This hybrid is a claim against the owner of the property for providing inadequate security. So, can you hold a property owner liable for an attack or damage to your property on their premises? Do property managers and owners owe a duty… Continue reading Texas Claims Against Property Owners for Inadequate Security: Understanding Liability and Duty of Care
In this week’s edition of the Dirty Verdict Podcast, your hosts Kyle Herbert and Peter Taaffe discuss several recent legal news stories from Texas and around the country. Join us as we discuss these stories and many more: Tony Buzbee’s Defamation Lawsuit for Houston Influencer against former Delaware Senate Candidate Gwyneth Paltrow Skiing Trial Possible… Continue reading Episode 12 – Kyle Herbert & Peter Taaffe
In Episode 9, Peter, Kyle, and special guest, Bill Ogden, interview Joe Melugin about his recent verdict. Sponsors: Herbert Trial Law Comeaux Mediation
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